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Lostria (gameplay) - Krysta Games

Team Building

Each match starts by having the players build theire respective team by selecting their faction, their characters and their tactical assets. Each character cost a certain amount of power points relative to their efficiency in game and a team can't have more than 10 power points in total. It's your choice to have a few strong characters or a lot of weaker ones.

Blind mode

In the blind mode, you don't know what your opponement pick, there is no ban and you can pick the same faction and characters than you opponent. You can even load a pre-built team from your collection. This more is more appropriate for begginers.

Draft mode

In the draft mode, the second player start by banning a faction, the first pick his faction and the second player pick among the remaining ones. The selection of the characters is done by turns, alowing the players to counter-pick for more competitive battles. Players can access this mode only after they unlock enough characters to play it.

The Battle


The battle starts by the players placing their characters on their designated areas. Both players place their characters at the same time and are unable to see what the other is choosing. Once both players are satified with their placement, the player one starts his first turn.

Player Turn

While his turn, a player can control all his characters by moving them and use their skills in any kind of order. The amount of action is limited for each character depending of their skill points and movement points. the turn end then the player estimate he have nothing more to do.

How to win

There is two main way to win a match in Lostria. You can simply eliminate the whole enemy team or reach the map goals before your opponent. In addition to this two, the number of turns is limited to seven and the one with the most victory point at the end of the seventh turn win the match.

Limited time

In every phase of the game, the time is limited, the players have to think fast and do all their action before it's too late. When the time run out, it automatically ends the turn.


The characters have multiple caracteristics, the more important ones are the health points, the movement points and the skill points

Health points (HP)

Then a character got hit by an ability, he will lose helth depending of the effect of the ability. If the HP of a character reach 0, he is considered dead and is removed from the board, clearing the way for the others characters. There is friendly fire, so be careful to not harm your own characters.

Movement points (MP)

This is the number of cells the character can travel each turn, the player can use them all in one go or use them in multiple times. Those points are restored each turn.

Skill points (SP)

Each characte have a specific set of skills wich cost SP to use, combine wisly your skills with the amount of SP you have for the best result. Those points are restored each turn.

Others stats

There are other caracteristics or states the characters can have that influance the development of the match, like push resistance, invisibility, stealth, shield points, size category and more.



Each map offer it's own way to collect victory points and have their special layout that players have to adapt to to claim the victory. Collecting enery form crystals, destroying the ennemy flags or collecting relics of the ancient time are a few exemples.

Interactive Maps

For more diversity and bring up some more worth of specific chacaters in specific situation, there are a lot of element in the map that the player can interact with. By exemple, the small characters can hide in the bushes, the ice skills can froze water and every element that block the path can be destroyed by attacks. More possibilities can be discovered in game.

Map Selection

In most modes, the map is randomly selected at the beginning of the team building phase, and the players can check it at any time to help them build more appropriate teams.

Tactical Assets

A player has three tactical assets available and can use one of them only once in each match. Those tactical asset are realy powerfull abilities that can turn the tide of battle, use it wisely.

Select a tactical asset to learn more about it



The target character become invisible until it's next attack.



Lostria is a competitive game and to know who are the best players, a ranking system is integrated in the game. Each victory in ranked matchs will grant the player ranking points while each defeat will make them lose points.

The ranking is shown in a list of leagues and divisions. A new player starts with 750 ranking points, corresponding to Bronze III (50 pts).

The Legend rank is only rewarded to the top 100 Grand Masters.


Each month in witch a player has done a least 10 ranked games, he will be rewarded a amount of krystal coins related to his rank. Krystal coins usually can only be obtained by microtransaction and are necessary to buy skins.

Ranks preview


Unlocking characters

Each new player receive a set of free characters for each faction allowing them to start playing with any of them. If they want to play more variouse teams, they need need to unlock more characters in the game store with the gold they earn by playing.


Each new player receive a set of free characters for each faction allowing them to start playing with any of them. If they want to play more variouse teams, they need need to unlock more characters in the game store with the gold they earn by playing.

Game modes


A short tutorial where the players can learn the basics of Lostria like building a team, controling characters and what are the objectives of the game.


In this mode, you can play against an AI or against yourself and use all characters and skins, even the ones you didn't have unlocked yet.

Ideal to test your strategies or new new character before unlocking them.


Play matchs without worries about your ranking, whaterver its versus other players or bots.

In this mode, you can play play blind mode, draft mode, and set the team power limit to 5 or 10.


Play ranked matchs and try to get ranking points.

In this mode, you can only play draft mode with team power limit set to 10.


Create a lobby to play with your friends with your custom settings, you can even select your own custom maps.


In the future, we plan to add some more game modes like the tournament mode, the conquest mode and the story mode.


Daily quests

Each day you will receive a new daily quest that you can stack to a maximum of 5. If you don't like one, you can try to reroll it. By completing the quest, you will receive the rewards written on it

Event quests

In some occasion, you will receive some event quest, like the first win of the game, promotional quest and more!

That's not all!

The above sections only show the main aspects of the game, but there is a lot more is to be discovered while playing the game. Have fun in Lostria!