Universe: Void - Krysta Games



The Void is what composes the majority of the universe of Krysta. It is like a giant sea of emptiness in which the worlds float like small bubbles. It is constituted of pure energy and everything that falls in it will be disolved into energy. Due to the destructive effect of the Void and its immensity, it is extremely difficult to explore or analyze it and only speculation can be made.

There is no notion of time in the void as time is a concept of structured worlds. Objects falling into the void will be influanced by their own time before stopping and disolving.

It is possible to survive in the void with the use of World Energy. In that idea, some world fragment can maintain their shape for a longer time until their energy is depleted.


There are rumors about creatures that live in the void, they were spotted at the fall of different worlds, absorbing their energy. However they were never seen at other occasions and can simply be creatures coming from the falling worlds that are more resilient to the void. If those creatures really do exist, they need to have their world energy in their body to survive in the void.

Voidling have their own world force with their own time.

Void Pirates

There is a group who managed to survive in the void by collection world energy and ressources from world fragment they encounter in the void. Since their survival depend on a thread, they are very agressive and will not hesitated to kill to get that they need. They also have a policy of zero tolerence and needed sacrifices for the group. They're have a very strict religion that helps them continue their quest of survival in the wait of cross a new world.

World Ender

There is a phenomenon with an unknown cause that makes the worlds disappear, the cause is still unknown but it was reported that a world sized shadow moved in the distant when a world was getting destroyed. It is considered to be some kind of natural disaster that can happen in the void.

Later, it was discovered that it was a very ancient dragon who survived in the void and developped the same traits as voidlings. She got the blessing of Neyla, offering her stability and stopped her need to eat more worlds as well as giving her the name Nefaria.