Universe: Keros - Krysta Games


1027-02-26 - Lostria

7 yo
40 cm
50 kg


Human Empire



Keros is a small biodroid shaped like a rhinoceros. Since his creation, he has acted like a friendly and playful dog. He joined a group of humans who played with him and taught him how to perform recon missions. He even got a new friend, Alog, a horse shaped boidroid who took good care of him. By exemple, while performing a mission, Keros was running around and suddenly got attacked by a horde of dragons. He ran toward the humans to get help and it was Alog who saved him, killing all the dragons in one blow. While training on the dragon isles, he often went alone to play with a young dragon without the human noticing. After a while, it was finally the time for the great mission. Keros was excited to explore new lands and couldn’t stay while sailing toward the lands of dragons.


Keros is a funny and playful little biodroid who likes to fool around and make people laugh. He's also obediant and will follows orders but he can easely be distacted by his curiosity. Despite being a bit fearful, he will not hesitate to stab enemies who threaten his friends with his horns.